So are you contacting HQ to make a formal request to join the Terran Empire?
It is our opinion that the Terran Empire has been greatly under utilized and sorely misrepresented in the Sci-Fi community.
So….you’re asking. Why do we need with a Terran Empire??? Good question!
All the Mirror Universe episodes constantly place in the top brackets of the most watched and most liked Star Trek episodes. However, in our opinion the Terran Empire has been greatly under utilized and sorely misrepresented in the Sci-Fi community.
In addition, you cannot go to any Trek convention and not see a Terran uniform or meet a Terran citizen. Our fan base is out there and needs us to create a place in the Sci-Fi community.
Like “other” fan groups, we will not be for everyone. We have faced and will face opposition. The Terran Empire would never ask for any monies or any of the first born children. Unless it is for some charity event. (Well, maybe not the newborn children.) What we would ask for is for a loyalty between Terran Citizens. With a sharing of information and ideas, such as attending conventions in groups, meetings, charity events and other Sci-Fi events.
Please consider this invitation and let us know. And thank you for your time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
“All Hail The Terran Empire!”
Senior Terran Diplomatic. Sector Commander* Were Celebrating over 10,000 days of service to the Terran Empire.